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Talent strategy

      Companies adhere to the " people foremost" principle. Take talent work on the center of gravity Since its inception. To provide the best opportunities for talent to develop self and develop career. Encourage talent to realize their own value in the competition to make the greatest contribution for the enterprise. 

     Incentive mechanism is human resources management system as incentive and restraint, stimulate the potential of employees and dynamic competition as the core content which is with selection, utilization, training and development, retention four aspects. Through a variety of training and establish incentive and constraint, the mechanism of competition, such as competition for posts, the optimized combination way to mobilize the enthusiasm of the staff. To carry out reasonable competition within the company to stimulate the potential of employees to maximizing exert individual ability to enhance the staff’s enterprise and professionalism to enhance the cohesion of the company to promote the development of the company.

     The company is with a series of incentive policies in the implementation of performance Assessment in Implementation of employees. To give reward for obtained Achievements and acquired skills. At present, these Performance incentive measures have been recognized and accepted by all employees. Company management pay attention to the communication with employees and collect employees evaluation information to company comprehensively. Actively organize improvements and continuously improve employee satisfaction.